May 28, 2013
Kids Interviews!
Last year we sat down and I had the kids answer certain questions... its nothing fancy, but it just reminds me how funny and unique they are!

May 27, 2013
Kasey's graduation!
Kasey graduated from Pre-K3!
We are so proud!
They school put on a little ceremony and reception and it so was cute!
He was so proud of himself!
May 24, 2013
Myrtle Beach
Mom had a conference in Myrtle Beach, so we took the weekend and stayed with her!
We had an absolute blast!
We went up Friday night and stayed until Sunday... a wonderful long weekend!
Saturday we went to the beach and FROZE! This kids had a blast but we were freezing, so we decided to head to the pool instead!
After a long day on the water, we went to Pirates Voyage!
The show was so much fun! Kasey was a little spooked by Davie Jones, but overall a great show!
Kasey passed out pretty much as soon as we got back!
Getting ready to get our day started on Sunday!
On the way out Sunday we went to Wonder Works!
If you have never been, you should!
It was so much fun and there are a ton of different activities at all age levels!
The kids had a blast and loved trying different things!
We had an awesome long weekend in Myrtle Beach!
Thanks Mom!
May 23, 2013
Just a bit
I am only putting these on here, because I want to remember these days and this look!
A week before we went to Sea World, Kasey got sick... He ended up giving it to everyone!
I was the only unfortunate one to be sick on our actual trip!
He looked like a lost puppy dog and those eyes get me every time!
He fell asleep! I walked away to get him some pj's and when I came back in, he was snoring!
May 22, 2013
T-ball game 2
We had our second T-Ball game last Saturday!
They were totally different kids! We were so proud of all the kids!
I asked Kasey to smile, he said no, he was getting ready to play!
...Sorry, I didn't realize you took t-ball so serious!
First swing.......... Miss
Nailed it this time!
She is soooooo good! She can hit it all the way to the fence line! She is serious and so focused!
Running to home!
Running to home!
I was taking pictures of all the kids and these are the best looks I would get from my own!
Can you tell that they are used to their momma taking pictures!
The team getting ready to bat! They are just so cute in their matching uniforms!
We had a bit of tackle t-ball, but they turned around and did really well!
Game line-up
After game team spirit!
Tommy and I are so proud of our Padres!
the rest of our team is here!
Team Padres!
May 20, 2013
First T-Ball game!
We had our first t-ball two Saturdays ago!
They did a great job!
Trying to steal home!
Addison had a minor melt down, but ended up being a great player!
May 19, 2013
Easter 2013
Easter 2013!
We had a great Easter! We had a ton of fun and played a bunch! The kids loved opening their Easter baskets and their favorite was of course the puzzles!
Sibling love, I love when i catch quiet sweet moments between these two!
These have become some of my favorite pictures of them!
She was just so happy and content, I love the peaceful look she has... She truly is beautiful!
The Thinking Man, anyone?
Showing off their Easter goodies!
Sophia was so proud that she found one! What a cutie!
Aunt Lynne showing Sophia to look UP instead of just down all the time!
Pappy hid one that would be really hard to find, so he was showing the kids!
We had a great day and loved getting to spend some time with family and friends!
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