December 19, 2012

Quinnzie again

Quinnzie did come back and the kids have been amazing. He came and hung out with tommy and I for a couple of days. He also helped us clean! We are excited for Christmas but also sad to see him go!

December 10, 2012

Our Elf on the shelf

We got a visit from Quinnzie and he has been chilling around our house! The kids have had so much fun getting up every morning looking for him! One day the kids didn't listen at all so he stayed home. We shall see what he does next!!

November 25, 2012

Mountains 2012

We went to the mountains in October with the family!
Mom and Dad found this cute little waterfall on the Blueridge Parkway

We stayed in Waynesville but drove to Maggie one day and played at this cute little playground!

 This was our view from the back porch of the house!

October 15, 2012

Pumpkin Patch 2012

Pumpkin Patch 2012

love the ghords! they almost looked fake but reminds me soooooo much of fall!

Best Friends!

They had a blast seeing how high they could jump! This was definitely the favorite thing to do!

Tight Rope Walker

They loved this big chair!

Hay rides!

Jump Castle Slide

He wouldn't stay on long... he would drop his feet and hold on trying to do a pull up!

Pumpkin head!

Bike Riding

The kids took the bikes out for the last couple of times before it gets too cold!
They had a blast and Kasey is finally getting really comfortable on his big boy bike!

September 17, 2012

Super Hero Slide!

They figured out one day that they could slide down the steps on their belly! Well that is what they decided to do and of course you can't fly backwards without being a superhero!
They put on their capes (thanks Aydan) and rescued the toys from the monster (laundry basket and the top of the steps!)
They would grab and toy and slide backwards safely transporting their toy to its new home (my couch!)
They did get rug burn, but I guess it doesn't bother them because they always do it!

September 14, 2012

1st day of School!

She started August 20, 2012!
It was a super early morning for us! She had a blast on her first day of kindergarten!

Wait! I have a kindergartener! She has been doing super well and is slowly but surely adjusting to the routine of getting up at 6am!

Jilliann's kindergarten interview will be posted soon! It asks her all kinds of questions, like her favorite color, character, etc., I am going to do this interview every year to see how they change as they get older!

September 13, 2012


Tommy took us fishing at this little lake. The fish were biting like crazy! The kids had a complete blast catching the fish and bringing them in, but they didn't want anything to do with getting the fish off the hook!
Jilliann caught 3 fish!
Kasey caught 5 fish!
This little guy came by to visit a couple of times....
he was pretty brave considering all the boats that were unloading and loading at the dock.

August 17, 2012

Braylen's 5th Birthday!

We went to Braylen's 5th Birthday at Wannamaker Sprinklers
Jilliann had a blast and ran around and thru the sprinklers, Kasey on the other hand didn't want anything to do with the water and only played in the faucet with his feet!

getting ready to chow down on some pizza! That girl LOVES pizza and would eat it for every meal!

Kasey chowed down on some cake!

The kids were so cute getting their picture taken as a group!

August 15, 2012

Photo Chances

The kids were being sweet, so we got to get some cute little photos of them!