August 30, 2011

bench transformed!

i have had this bench for years! we had it in our room, but never loved it!
i decided to recover it and then put it in jilliann's room. it seems to fit her style better
(the rooms are the same color, but it doesn't look that way)

the bench in my room

the recovered one in jilliann's room (final pictures coming soon!)

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August 26, 2011


while we were at g.pap's we were supposed to go in the boat, but it was wayyyyyyyyyyy to HOT!

so the next best option to make the kids happy...

get into a boat dry docked!

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August 24, 2011


Our crocs are ready for disney!
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Grandpap and Nana had us over on Sunday (7/31) to go fishing

The kids did really well in the beginning...

Hanging out on the bank.... waiting....

Daddy got them their chairs to make the waiting a little more bearable

well they got tired of waiting, so daddy ended up having to hold their poles and fish for them....

it must have worked!

Kasey and his fish!

jilliann got her turn too...

she is trying so hard to hurry and get the line in

she didnt want anything to do with touching the fish or being around

it was a lot of fun, we only lasted out there for about an hour, but each kid got to actually catch and release their own fish!
i see a lot of other fishing trips scheduled with daddy in the future!
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August 22, 2011


So with the days being 110 we don't go outside in the middle of the day!
we were going to save this little experiment for that time of day, but the kids were so excited we just went ahead

jilliann was so excited over what hers did

kasey did surprisingly well. we sat and waited his turn and then listened to "pour slowly"
he was so excited to see his bubbling!

it was a very cheap, very quick little thing, but fun!
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August 20, 2011


we were having a lazy morning, and they decided to cuddle together!
it only lasted a couple of minutes because then they started fighting over the pillows and blanket
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August 18, 2011


I was out of the house, working for two days straight!
It was really tough but to my surprise, Tommy had the kids plant some pretty flowers just for me!

Jilliann i guess wanted the royal treatment of my really soft mat

I think she did great!

Hanging out watching a movie! They sure do love each other!

We went to the fire museum one day and the kids had a blast!

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August 16, 2011

Princess and Pirates

Heavy picture post!

We had Jilliann's birthday and it was so much fun!
It was princess and pirate!



This picture needs to be on a hallmark card!

After both parties, we all took turns in the board!
It was hilarious! You had adults trying to fit into child sized picutres!
Charicatures anyone?

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