October 28, 2010

Playing the first time!

They had so much fun! They were so excited!

Going down the slide like a big girl! Boy does she fly!

This was the first time they were on a glider!

No more baby swings

This is his new favorite!


Yep we finally did it! We finally got the swing set! Together with Mom we bought this for their birthday presents (March and July)... I know it took us long enough! But we got it and now its up and running. So exciting!

A big box

Almost there, just missing the arm with the swings

Ta-Da! Its done with all the other fun stuff too!

October 27, 2010

Carving Pumpkins

We had such a great time on Saturday with Julie and Kaitlin, we invited them over to carve pumpkins with us on Sunday. It was so much fun and sooooo messy.

Julie was a trooper in cleaning out her pumpkin..(yuck)

I cut the hole too small and his hand got stuck.

He was so happy to start cleaning his pumpkin

Scooping out the insides

What a trooper! Get in there!
Julie's Kai Lan
Its finished .... we called it a crazy monster (didn't turn out so hot)
Swiper in the making
I think it turned out pretty well
These pumpkins were labor intensive so we saved Jilliann's for later... she is getting Dora!

October 26, 2010

Princess on Ice

Saturday night we got to go see Disney on Ice: Princess Wishes
Jilliann got to go with her best friend Kaitlin and her mom Julie
The girls had sooo much fun! They did so well sitting still and watching the show.
It was a huge hit and we were so excited that we got to go.

Getting ready to go, all dressed like a princess.

She said she wanted to twirl!

Awww they look so cute and happy
they were so excited to go see the princesses!

So darn cute!

We got to see Cinderella

Big Hug

Look at our little princesses!

October 25, 2010

Sibling Pics

Christopher has been an awesome trooper in doing our family pictures in phases! He rocks! Look how cute they are!

5 generations!

well kind of... we were missing some people (they like to take naps at the most inconvenient time)


go here to see some of them!

October 22, 2010

PumPkIn PaTcH!!

the kids went to the pumpkin patch for school and tommy and mom got to go with them.

trying to bounce on the big balls
he looks like he is having fun

laughing at her brother

playing in the corn box (wonderful idea... wonder if it would work year round)

jilliann painting her pumpkin

kasey's finished project

concentrating to come up with his idea



October 14, 2010


Sunday we went to mom's to celebrate tommy and grandpaps birthday!

pappy and kasey

kasey blowing bubbles

i guess the day wore on her so much... passed out at 7:30

we had a great day and a lot of fun (generation pics coming soon!)
Happy Birthday Grandpap and Tommy!!

October 13, 2010

Diary of a Diaper

the process of wearing a diaper!

try and put it on

try to get one tab on

almost got it

got it will a little help from mommy!

and you ask why??
because she said she wanted to!

October 12, 2010

Halloween project

they started a halloween project (didn't turn out) where they painted circles and then they had a letter... well they painted so much that they turned to mush!

i guess he decided that he didn't want to paint his project and that body painting was more fun!

this was the response when i said "cheese"

there ya go that is much better!

see it around his mouth! yep... he ate it!

October 11, 2010

Saturday! Whew!!

Saturday was crazy but sooooo much fun!

We started the day with soccer pictures... haha that did not go well at all.
we then did breakfast and then a much needed nap!!

Jilliann and I met Christopher at a great little park and did our portion of family pictures.
this is just a preview and the rest everyone will have to wait until christmas! (sorry)

we fnished pictures and went back home to get the kids packed and ready to stay at oba's. we dropped them off and then went to celebrate tommy's birthday surprise! JEFF DUNHAM!!!

on the way! super excited!

we had a blast! omg it was so much fun and FUNNY!!
after a long night and a lot of laughs, we went to ihop for dinner (midnight snack really!)

i had a blast and i hope you did too baby!
Happy Birthday!!!

October 10, 2010

outside fun

since it is soooooo BEAUTIFUL!
tommy took the kids outside to play after work.

jilliann had to pull him...hehe

i guess someone wasn't happy! (or trying to act like it!)

like our halloween decorations?
Kasey likes to carry off our goofy pumpkin!